News & Announcements on October 30th, 2022

News & Announcements on October 30th, 2022

We are happy you are joining our English Ministry worship service in-person & online on our church’s YouTube Channel LBC (Milliken).

Next Week’s EM/YM Joint Sunday Service
(in-person/Livestream) at 11 AM.

Pastor Mike Wong

Passage: Galatians 2


Communion will be held during next week’s in-person worship, Nov 6th. Please prepare your bread and grape juice in advance for those who livestream.


EM News

1.Sunday School -The class is called “Matthew – I walked with Jesus.” Come and explore the life of Jesus. 9:30AM-10:15AM both in-person and online. Click Here.

2.Prayer Meeting is at 8pm Wednesdays on Zoom. Come and walk in community with each other, together can share the joys and burdens. Click Here

For more information contact Rev. Scott or Pastor Mike.

3. The is a group for everyone!

Have a look below to find a Refresh group to help in your spiritual growth. We all need to share dreams, struggles, and life as followers of Christ.  Don’t see a group for you?  Contact Rev. Scott

 4.Baptism Classes

Interested in being baptized or learning more, contact Pastor Mike or Rev. Scott for more information.

5.UrbanaRise Up

A life-changing conference that invites you to give your whole life for God’s global mission.  December 28th -31st in Indianapolis, Indiana.  Logos Milliken is joining with Logos York Region.  Contact Pastor Johnny Cheung, (416) 908-8298, for details.



1.We have a target to bless 750 children with Operation Christmas Child (OCC) shoeboxes this year.

Let’s pray and support to make it come true by:

  • Packing a shoebox by yourself or use your own shoebox ($20 per box + $10 shipping).
  • Picking up a shoebox at church.( Last day for pick up:TODAY)
  • Dropping them off: Oct 16th –Nov 6th
  • Pre-packed shoeboxes ($30 per box) will be available for purchase through fellowships/small groups.
    Deadline for purchase : TODAY

For further details, please refer to the bulletin insert and our church web site.

2.We will be also taking a special offering for The Greatest Journey Discipleship Class. This program allows children who received an OCC shoebox to continue to learn more about Jesus and become disciples.(Today is the last day for the special offering)

a.For and e-Transfer offering, please type “TGJ” in the message box.

b.For those who wish to use offering envelopes, please write “Others (TGJ).

* Tax receipt will be issued by LBCM*.  Special offering received after deadline will go to church general fund*



Our 2023 contribution to the Logos Churches Joint Mission budget is $71,603.07 and our church Mission budget is $58,250 for a total of $129,853.07. Today is the last day to pledge. Please refer to the bulletin insert and our church website for more details.




1.This year we are partnering with Markham Food Bank and will prepare 400 hampers for families in need in the Markham area. Markham Food Bank will prepare all the food items, while our church will provide the manpower. We encourage brothers and sisters to help in the following areas to serve our neighbours during this special season.

–     Hamper packing and handling helpers on Monday December 12th to Thursday December 15th

–     Phone call ambassadors (welcome families and remind them to pick up their hampers)

–     Delivery ambassadors (delivering hampers to selected families)

Interested brothers and sisters please respond to, or connect with a Community Concern Councillor.

2.We now looking for volunteers (max 3 people per shift) to help with the registration for the hampers at Markham Food Bank at the following times:

Nov 1st – Nov 29th

Tuesday 5:00pm – 8:00pm

Thursday: 12pm – 2:30pm

Saturday: 8:00am – 11:00am

Brothers and sisters may select your preferable date or  would like to go as a group of 2-3 people. Further details will be announced.


Offering Report for September  2022

Ways to Give   

a.Interac e-Transfer — Brothers and sisters can give their offerings and tithes to the Church through Interac e-Transfers using the email address
b. Mail-in cheque offering
c.Cheque Offering Drop off to Church.
d.  On-line offering using

(Please print your name and offering number clearly. For first time donor, please provide your personal contact information.)



1.“Children Ministry wide meeting “ will be held on November 13th at 1:00 pm.  The meeting is opened for all teachers and parents. Lunch will be provided at 12:30 pm. Please contact Pastor Angelina or Connie if you would like to attend by November 6th

2.Children Ministry is recruiting for

a.Welcome desk: 9am, and 11am


If you would like to serve in Children Ministry please contact Pastor Angelina Hung or Connie Ma.



1.Daylight Saving
Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday, November 5th. Be sure to set your clocks back one hour before bed Saturday night!

2.News of staff
Our custodian Thomas Tam will be transitioning from a full time custodian position to a part time casual help role starting in November 2022.


refresh Refresh Groups  
Find a group that helps on your spiritual journey.

University group -for those entering or in

Leader: Tim Phan (EM intern)

     Time: 2nd & 4th Monday     Click Here
For information:

Woman’s group

Leader: Selene Tang

Time: 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 8pm     Click Here
For information:

Career group

Leader: Tony Wong

  • study November 1st
  • video series 22 or 29th

Time: Tuesday, 8pm    Click Here
For information:

Mixed group

Leader: Ben Chan

Time: weekly, 7:30pm on Thursdays in-person.

For information: 
                               (647) 818-3811

Young Family & Couples group

Contact: Jacqueline Chan

Time: 1st, 3rd & 5th, 8:30pm Friday

ZOOM & in-person meetings, contact for location.

For information:

Couples group

Leader: Melodie Bissell

Time: 1st, 3rd & 5th, 8pm Friday

ZOOM & in-person meetings, contact for location.
For information:

Don’t see a group for you?

Contact Pastor Scott.