News & Announcements on November 29th, 2020
We welcome all to join our Worship Service on our Church YouTube Channel LBC (Milliken)
Next Week’s EM/YM Sunday Service (Streaming)
- Worship Speaker: Pastor Mike Wong
- Passage: Sunday Bulletin Acts 2:1-13
Sunday Service
Our EM/YM Joint Sunday worship will start at 11:30 AM on YouTube.
Christmas Baptismal Ceremony — EM/YM will be having their joint Baptismal Service on Sunday, December 27th 2020 with the Cantonese Congregation, if you believe it’s time for you to be baptized or have any question about it, please contact Rev. George Mah or Pastor Mike Wong.
Community Concern
1. Operation Christmas Child
We thank God for your support and prayers that we had shipped out 600 shoeboxes as a Church.
2. Special offering — Thanks to all your generous support and we had collected totally $5,545 to support The Greatest Journey.
Administration Affairs
Special Members Meeting
1. To be held today afternoon from 2 to 4 PM. Agenda for the meeting will be to vote on the member’s motion to dissolve all active deacons from office.
Since York Region is now in Control-Red Zone because of COVID 19, the special member’s meeting will be conducted via Zoom only. Please register in advance with the link below before Nov. 29th to participate in this meeting.
Please refer to the church website for meeting information and to download voting ballot.
Methods of Voting:
a. Online Voting
– You can vote on Dec. 29th between 2 PM and 10 PM.
– Complete your ballot and include your member’s number.
– Please remember to print your name and sign for it to be counted as a valid ballot.
– Email your ballot to the email address on the second page of the ballot.
b. To Vote In-person
– You can vote in person (contactless) on Dec. 29th between 2 PM and 10 PM.
– You can cast your ballot in the ballot box outside the main entrance of church. Please remember to practice physical distancing.
– Download and complete your ballot. Remember to include your member’s number.
– Remember to print your name and sign for it to be counted as a valid ballot.
2. An additional Members Meeting to be held on Dec. 13th, 2020 from 2 to 4 PM. Agenda for the meeting will include :
a. (If required) To elect 3 deacons to form a transitional Deacon Board for a one year term.
b. Vote on the proposal to proceed with foyer renovation at a budgetary cost of $300,000.
c. To accept Pastor Lawrence Wong as Cantonese Ministry Assistant Pastor for a 3-year term commencing January 1, 2021.
Details on how to join the meeting will be announced at a later date.
News from Finance
2020 offering — If you wish to have your offerings this year included into the 2020 tax receipt, please follow the instructions below to offer. Offerings received after then will be included into the 2021 tax reporting.
1. Offering via Interac e-Transfer — please deposit before the cutoff time on Thursday 1 PM of Dec. 31st.
2. Cheque Offering Drop off to Church — cutoff time is on Thursday 1 PM of Dec. 31st
3. Mail-in cheque offering — please mail at least 1 week before the cutoff date of Dec. 31st .
4. On-line Offering using —at Dec. 24th Cut Off Date.
1. Offering for Oct. 2020

2. News of members
Congratulation to Esther Fung and Daniel Mak for their wedding ceremony held yesterday. May God bless the newlyweds.
4. News of Pastors
a. Rev. Fred Chiu is on leave up to Dec. 1st, and will be back on duty on Dec. 2nd.
b. The pastors and administration staff are working at the church office on a rotational basis. If you need pastoral care and assistance from office staff, you can call the Church at 905-305-6467, or contact them via email or WhatsApp.