News & Announcements September 1, 2019

News & Announcements September 1, 2019

Welcome ALL to our Logos Milliken 

If this is your first time at Logos, please visit our Welcome Table and kindly sign our guest book.

Next Week’s EM/YM Joint Service

  1. Worship Speaker : Pastor Mike Wong
  2. Welcome Team: YM
  3. Passage for Message: 2Cor 2:12-17

EM/YM Summer Life Together will end on Sept. 1st. Beginning from Sept. 9th, EM and YM will have joint Sunday worship at the Gym at 11:30 AM, then YM will have their sermon time separately at B12.

Sunday Service

Our Sunday worship starts at 11:30 am with a period of 15 minutes for us to pray and reflect. We encourage you to make use of this time to prepare your hearts to worship and enjoy the presence of God.

Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting

EM has prayer meetings every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:30PM in room B03. You are invited to come and pray together as a community.

Administration Affair

Church Common Council Meeting

To be held on next Sunday Sept. 8th 3 PM at B12. All Pastors, Church Council Members of all congregations and Common Church Council Members are required to attend the meeting. 

Pathfinder registration is OpenWe invite all Grade 5-8 students to join the Pathfinder retreat on October 4-6th, 2019. To register, please go to the Children Centre. For more information, please contact Pastor Angelina or Pastor Mike.

Children Ministry

  1. Children Ministry is asking all parents/guardians to update their children’s records. If you have children from 0 to Grade 6, please go to children centre during the month of September to update your children information. This will help us keep your children safe.

2. Parents/Guardians are invited to attend our Parents’ Sundays. Here are the dates:

September 15: for JK to Grade 2: 9:30am Junior Worship. 11:15am Sunday School.

September 22: for Grade 3 to 6. 9:30am Senior Worship. 11:15am Sunday School.


  1. News from Finance — Offering reports for August and YTD Jan-Aug 2019 are now posted on the bulletin board outside the main office. Please check your records for reconciliation.

2. Library and Literature News — Every 1st and 2nd Sunday of each odd month, our church library will have spiritual books displayed in the Fellowship Hall for brothers and sisters to borrow for reading.

House Keeping Reminder

a. In order to keep a smooth and safe traffic flow on Sunday mornings, please be patient during the peak hour and follow the instructions of the parking lot attendants.

b. As it’s summer time now, in order to keep the church places clean and hygienic, free from attracting insects and rats, all fellowship members put food waste and garbage into the large covered garbage can. Please do not dispose food in the small garbage bins in the rooms and for the food that has not been finished please bring your leftovers home.

4.  Pastoral and Office News

a. The Church office will be closed on Labour Day, Monday, Sept. 2nd.

b. Pastors and co-workers will take Tuesday Sept. 3rd off as deferred holiday for Labour Day on Monday, and will be back in the office on Sept. 4th.