Prayer Items November 06th, 2022
For Church Community
God is at work in us and through us! May He continue to give us opportunities to live our God given mission to intentionally love Him, love others, and make disciples as we finish up the year. May we find ways to serve and Joyously participate in furthering His kingdom.
We pray that God will unify us as a church to have a deeper sense of belonging and investment to bring glory to God.
- Pray for new and ongoing ministries (Scouts, the English class, After School Ministry, Bible Study Groups, Small Groups, etc.) May God give all of us vision, joy, and strength to serve and extend God’s kingdom.
We thank God for our new deacon candidates that have accepted nomination. Please continue to pray for those that are still discerning their part. We also pray for the formation of the Church Council and leadership for 2023.
- Pray for people’s health as the winter flu season starts. Pray for protection.
- Pray for who you can invite to our Christmas celebrations.
For God’s Kingdom
- Pray for the continued opportunities to bless our community and the world as Ambassadors for Christ.
a.Pray for our Mission pledges and may we have a joyful giving heart to contribute to God’s local and global mission initiatives. May we have an appetite to prayerfully partner with our Joint Mission partners.
b. Pray for Operation Christmas Child and the shoebox packing. Pray for The Greatest Journey Discipleship Class. May we be generous as God has blessed us.
c.Pray for Christmas hampers. May we come together to bless families struggling during Christmas time.
d.Pray for opportunities to continue to engage with new immigrants and friends. - Pray for the people displaced by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.Pray for peace, healing and those grieving.
- Pray for our missionaries that they may have opportunities to share Christ and build up believers.
- May we embody the message of hope as we share with the world this year.
a.Pray for the food banks as they face shortage of food and resources.
b.Pray for people’s emotional and mental health as they deal with mounting pressures surrounding them.
c.Continue to pray for reconciliation and healing of the indigenous community.
d.Pray for the tragic accident in Seoul, South Korea as a result of a massive crowd-crush. May God comfort the families of the victims and pray for a speedy recovery for the injured. - Pray for newly elected municipal leaders. Pray for wisdom and insight to lead well.
Congregational Needs
- Pray for our online Zoom EM prayer meetings Wednesday at 8 pm. Pray that people will be encouraged to participate during this time of uncertainty in the world.
- Please remember in prayer our EM/YM Fellowships:
Katalyst (High School):Question and Answer Night on Friday, November 4th and that this be a great time of answering questions that we may have about faith.
Refresh (Young Adults): We pray for our new Refresh groups and they be a place of outreach to new friends and strengthen our faith.
Philia (Junior High):Operation Christmas Child Shoebox packing on Saturday, November 12th and that this be a great time of engaging in God’s Global Mission for us as a fellowship.
May we continue to grow in our faith through these fellowships.
Children Ministry
- Pray for Teacher Training, may God use this training to recruit and equip more brothers and sisters to serve Children Ministry.
- Pray for Shoe Box packing SLB and Philia on November 12th, may God help the kids to show love and share to those who are in need.
- Kids will sing in English Worship on November 20th, we pray that the participation of children brings joy and peace to the worship.