Prayer Items January 2nd, 2022
For Church Community
- We give thanks to God as we journey into 2022 Pray for the plans and initiatives God has given us. May we continue to live out the theme “Be Renewed”.
- Pray that we will have the opportunity to gather again soon. Pray that we can grow to be more relational to people and our community.
- Pray for our pastors and leaders, may God give them strength, wisdom and courage to navigate a season of unknown.
- We are thankful that we are getting closer to the final inspection of the foyer renovation & AV upgrade project. Pray for the items that are outstanding and on back order.
- It has been a tough and uncertain year for us and it has impacted each of us in different ways. May we continue to put our hope in Jesus to carry us through the rest of the year and next.
For God’s Kingdom
- Let’s continue to remember in our prayers our missionaries and ministry partners as they venture into a new year. We pray for their physical protection and a renewed sense of mission.
- As we strive to be a more welcoming and inclusive church, may God help us to make connections with new comers, immigrants, neighbors and friends. Pray that God will move our hearts to participate and support them.
- As we continue to navigate through COVID–19, let’s pray for wisdom and be mindful to keep safe and healthy.
a. Pray for our country and the world being stricken by Covid-19 and the new omicron variant.
b. Pray for the families, medical frontline professionals who have been impacted by the virus. Also, pray for those seeking medical assessments and medical treatments.
c. Pray for the continuing development and distribution of the vaccine.
d. Restrictions and guidelines are always changing, pray that we are able to navigate through the changes. - During the time of New Year, may we embody the message of hope as we can reach out to the world.
a. Pray for Food Banks in the city as they are under increasing pressures and facing unprecedented demand when entering into the new year. Pray for caring and giving hearts.
b. Pray for the political unrest in Myanmar.
c. Pray for the continual reconciliation and healing process with the indigenous community. Let us continue to be mindful, have a heart to learn, listen and take action as we support the healing of past mistakes.
d. As we journey into a new year, pray for a sense of renewal and hope for the world. May God’s mercy and love be made known to our broken world.
Congregational Needs
- Pray for our online Zoom EM prayer meetings on 1st , 3rd , & 5th Wednesday at 8 PM and that people will be encouraged to participate in them during this time of uncertainty in the world.
- Please remember in prayer our EM/YM Fellowships:
Katalyst (High School) : On Line fellowship on Friday, Jan 7th
May we continue to grow in our faith through these fellowships.
Philia (Junior High): On Line fellowship on Saturday, Jan 8th - Continue to pray for those who are sick, concerned about grandparents/ family members who are susceptible to the virus.
- Pray for those who are isolated and struggling personally. Also, for those who are stressed over work and studying from home.
Children Ministry
- Give thanks to God that provided us enough teachers for the new term Sunday School, help our kids experience God in study.
- Thank God children came to in-person worship on Christmas Day. Thanks for the precious time to celebrate Jesus’s birthday all together.