News & Announcements on November 28th, 2021
Welcome All to Our Worship Service
Welcome back! We are happy you are joining our English Ministry Worship Service in person/on our church’s YouTube Channel LBC(Milliken).
Next Week’s EM/YM Joint Sunday Service ((in person and livestream) starting at 11:00 AM.
Speaker: Rev. Scott Bissell
Passage:Genesis 16
Logos 40th Anniversary
Blessed to Bless: with various activities to bless our community and to proclaim Jesus.
We will celebrate Christmas on Saturday Dec 25th. Our theme is “Hope is Here”.
- CM: Dec 25th 11am (in-person & livestream) in the chapel
- EM :Dec 25th 11am (in-person & livestream) in the gym.
- MM: Dec 25th 8pm (via you tube)
- Children (JK-Grade 6): Dec 25th 11am (in-person and youtube). For children Christmas registration and details, please CLICK HERE
CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING will be held today at 2pm-4pm via zoom. All congregation councils and Common Church Council Members are required to attend.
We will be collecting our annual Christmas Special Offering from Dec 19th to Dec 26th.The funds will be fully donated to our Logos Benevolence Fund.
For those who want to support this Special Offering, please follow the instructions below:
- For cheque offering, please write payable to Logos Baptist Church (Milliken) and write “Christmas” on the offering envelope under “Others”.
- For offering via or Interac e-Transfer, please denote for “Christmas”
1.Operation Christmas Child
We thank God for your support and prayers that we had shipped out 627 shoeboxes to bless the children.
Special offering(TGJ)
Thanks to all for the generous support and we had collected over $5,400 to support The Greatest Journey program.
2.Christmas Hampers Program
This year we are partnering with Markham Food Bank and will prepare 300 hampers for families in need in the Markham area. Markham Food Bank will prepare all the food items, while our church will provide the manpower. We encourage brothers and sisters to help in the following areas to serve our neighbours during this special season.
– Hamper packing and handling helpers on Monday December 13th and Wednesday December 15th
– Phone call ambassadors (welcome families and remind them to pick up their hampers)
– Delivery ambassadors (delivering hampers to selected families)
- We now looking for volunteers to help with the registration at Markham Food Bank for the following time slot:
Nov 2nd – Nov 30th, maximum 2-3 people per shift.
Tuesday 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Thursday: 12pm – 2pm
Saturday: 8:30am – 10:30am
If you have a preferred date or would like to go as a group of 2-3 people, please indicate in the field “Any other comments and/or questions?”
Interested brothers and sisters please CLICK HERE to sign up. You may also respond to, or connect with a Community Concern Councillor.
NOTE: final scheduling will be based on availability and be confirmed with an email.
As part of our Christmas Hamper program, we will be including toys for families with children. We are looking to collect 300 new toys valued $15-$20 each. Toy donations( without wrapping) can be dropped off at church every Sunday from November 14 to December 5 (before and after worship). Collection bins are set up in the chapel and gym.
Alternatively, donations will also be accepted. Please write down “Hamper” on your offering envelope under “Others”
1.Offering Report for October 2021
2.2021 Offering Report Inquiry
2021 Offering Report (Jan – Oct 2021) is now posted on our church website for your reference.Our 2021 budget for total offering income is $1,325,825. Up to the end of October we have collected $799,460 only.According to our estimation, the offering we received at the end of this year will be far from the budget. Please remember our Church’s financial needs and your support in prayers.
The offering report is sorted by offering number. For enquiry, please email to ( Email subject: Offering Inquiry) and leave us your contact information and a brief message.
1.News from the Interim Board
Foyer and AV Renewal Update:
We are currently in the midst of our foyer renovation. All front entrances will not be accessible. In-person Sunday Service will continue and we will be using back entrances to the gym and chapel.
2.Church Reopening
Effective December 2021, gathering limit inside our Church will be relaxed. Fellowships and small groups are encouraged to utilize the facility for your gathering needs. Please refer to attachment for more detail. Room booking can be made by contacting our Office.
In-person worship– Click here to fill and submit the UPDATED registration form or scan the following QR code. (Please use one form for your family or your bubble.)
3.News of Member
Sister Christine Change and Brother Vincent Chang’s Mom passed away on Nov 26. May God comfort them and the family at this difficult time.
4.News of Pastors
a.Congratulation to Pastor Mike Wong and Myra for the arrival of their baby girl Mia on Nov 22nd. May God bless and watch over the baby and the family.
b. Rev. George Mah will be on leave from Dec 1st to Dec 3rd .
5.Ways to Give
a.Interac e-Transfer — Brothers and sisters can give their offerings and tithes to the Church through Interac e-Transfers using the email address
b. Mail-in cheque offering
c. Cheque Offering Drop off to Church
d. On-line offering using
Prayer Meeting/Mid-week Not on Sunday School at 8:00pm
- 1st , 3rd , & 5th Wednesday of month will be prayer meeting
- 2nd and 4th will be a class on Hearing the Voice of God* with Rev. Scott.
So many desire to hear God’s voice but struggle to know if it is really Him. We will discuss people who connected to God and the clues to hearing Him. A.W. Tozer wrote “The voice of God is a friendly voice. No one need fear to listen to it unless he has already made up his mind to resist it.”
Sunday School @9:00- 10:00am
- Leading a Quiet Life – Cecilia Lam
Join us from Sep 19 to Dec 12 to explore how to unhurry, rhythms of daily office and sabbath, and boundaries.*to register: