Prayer Items October 24th, 2021
For Church Community
- As we head to the end of the year, may we move forward with a united spirit, one vision and one purpose as true witnesses for Jesus Christ as a disciple-making church.
- We give thanks that we are able to resume in-person worship. Pray that we will be renewed and be blessed.
- We are thankful for the progress of the foyer renovation & AV upgrade project. We look forward for the completion of the project and give glory to God.
- Pray for wisdom for the Pastors, staff and church leaders as they solidify plans for next year.
- We are thankful for the smooth town hall meetings last week. Pray for the member’s meeting to be held in Nov 7th as we vote for the structure of the Deacon Board. Pray for God’s guidance.
- Pray for the upcoming baptism candidates in December and those considering baptism. We ask God to strengthen their faith so that they can take this important step of faith and continue in a spiritually healthy life with God’s guidance.
- Pray for Rev. Fred Chiu and his family who are mourning the passing of his father. May God comfort Pastor Fred and gives him strength.
- We are thankful to be in partnership with the CBOQ. May God use our sister Churches to expand his kingdom.
For God’s Kingdom
- Pray for the upcoming Fall Fest on October 31st and the Christmas hamper distribution in December. As we continue with our upcoming 40th Anniversary “Blessed to Bless” initiatives, may God help us look beyond our building to our neighbourhood to reveal God’s love.
- Pray for the Operation Christian Child shoeboxes this year, and the special offering for The Greatest Journey. Pray for more brothers and sisters to participate enthusiastically.
- We are thankful for the Joint Mission conference that Logos churches are holding together. May God touch our hearts to respond to His calling.
- Please pray for Rev. Wilson Lu ‘s ministry in Panama. Also, remember in prayer Wendy and Keith Kwan (Tijuana, Mexico) as they are making their final arrangements to go to the mission field in the beginning of November.
- Continue to pray for Rev. Andrew Lee ‘s ministry in Hong Kong. Pray for the recovery of Mrs. Mary Lee.
- May God help us to make connections with people that are new to the country and those in the process of coming. Pray that God will move people’s heart to participate and support the New Immigrant Taskforce ministry.
- As we continue to navigate through COVID–19, let’s pray for love and peace at this time as we show the love of Christ to those who are around us by praying:
a. Pray for the areas being stricken by Covid-19 (North western territories and other hot spots).
b. Pray for those who have been impacted by the virus and also pray for Doctors and nurses in Western Canada as the health-care system struggles under the pressure of the pandemic’s fourth wave.
c. Pray for the development of the vaccine for children under 12. - Please pray for our confused and broken world as a spark of hope is beginning to rise among people. May we continually share the hope of Jesus with others and that the church can reach out to the world.
a. Pray for the Iqaluit community as they deal with a contaminated water issues.
b. Pray for the group of 17 American and Canadian missionaries including 5 children that were kidnapped in Haiti. Pray for God’s protection and they will return home safely.
c. Pray for the reconciliation and healing process with the indigenous community. Let us continue to be mindful, have a heart to learn, listen and take action as we support the healing of past mistakes.
d. May God fill the world with peace and harmony. Pray for the recent anti-Muslim hate crimes.
e. Pray for the political unrest around the world. Also pray for Lebanon as the country is facing financial crises and civil unrest.
Congregational Needs
- Pray for our online Zoom EM prayer meetings on 1st , 3rd , & 5th Wednesday at 8 PM and that people will be encouraged to participate in them during this time of uncertainty in the world.
- Please remember in prayer our EM/YM Fellowships: Katalyst (High School) as they have Guy / Girl Night and Refresh (YoungAdults) as they have Fellowship Night on Friday, October 29th and Philia (Junior High) asthey have Premix Session 1 on Saturday, November 13. May we continueto grow in our faith through these fellowships.
- Continue to pray for those who are sick, concerned about grandparents/ family members who are susceptible to the virus.
- Pray for those who are isolated and struggling personally. Also, for those who are stressed over work and studying from home.
Children Ministry
- Pray for Fall Fest, pray that we would invite newcomers, may we have power to share with our community about God.
- Pray for Toronto Children Ministry Conference in November, we pray for the opportunity to get together, relax, reconnect, and to support each other.