News & Announcements on September 26th, 2021

News & Announcements on September 26th, 2021

Welcome All to Our Worship Service
Welcome back! We are happy you are joining our English Ministry Worship Service in person/on our church’s YouTube Channel LBC(Milliken).

Next Week’s EM/YM Joint Sunday Service ((in person and Livestream) starting at 11:00 AM.

Speaker: Pastor Mike Wong
Passage: Genesis 6:5-22,7:1-5

Logos 40th Anniversary

  1. Blessed to Bless: with various activities to bless our communities and to proclaim Jesus. 
    We are hosting a Fall Fest on Sunday Oct 31st .For registration and further details, please refer to the bulletin insert and our church web site for more details. .
  2. Stronger Together: 40th anniversary album 
    a. Photo shoot: There will be 2 additional sessions on Sunday October 3rd and October 10th , from 10am to 11am; and from 12pm to 1pm.  Brothers and sisters can come to room B12 before or after service to have their family picture taken. No appointment required.
    b. Alternately, email a clear and legible copy of your family photo to Please include in your email the full name (first, then last name) of all of your family members (in the order that they appear on the photo), which language congregation you belong, and your contact phone number. Due date for photo submission is September 30, 2021.

    Each family who submits their photo will receive a copy of the church 40th anniversary album at the end of the year. Please refer to the bulletin insert and our church web site for more details.

News from the Interim BoardDeacon
1.Foyer and AV Renewal Update:

We have received permit from the City and we have secured a contractor. Foyer renovation work has just started. AV upgrade is ongoing, with gym house lighting, chapel speakers and wiring installed. Thanks to the many brothers and sisters who have helped us to get to this stage. As we have started the renovation stage please be mindful going in and out of the church building, as some areas will be blocked off during the next 8 to 10 weeks.

2.Board Structure and Function Reform Update: We will be holding the following language specific town hall to share with members updates and answer any questions that members may have.

Cantonese: Sunday October 3rd, 2021, 2 to 4pm (via Zoom)
English: Sunday October 17th, 2021, 1 to 3pm (via Zoom and in person)
Mandarin: October 17th, 2021 Sunday 3 to 5pm (via Zoom)

Prayer Meeting/Mid-week Not on Sunday School at 8:00pm (starting the week of September 13th)

  • 1st , 3rd , & 5th Wednesday of month will be prayer meeting
  • 2nd and 4th will be a class on Hearing the Voice of God* with Rev. Scott.

So many desire to hear God’s voice but struggle to know if it is really Him.  We will discuss people who connected to God and the clues to hearing Him.  A.W. Tozer wrote “The voice of God is a friendly voice.  No one need fear to listen to it unless he has already made up his mind to resist it.”

Sunday School @9:00- 10:00am (starting September 19th) will have two options

  • Leading a Quiet Life – Cecilia Lam
    Paul urged the Thessalonians to make it their ambition to lead a quiet life; they should mind their own business and work with their hands (1 Thess. 4:11). When the norm is to strive for efficiency and a typical day is filled with endless interruptions and distractions, how do we lead a quiet life? Where do we draw the line of “my business”? Join us from Sep 19 to Dec 12 to explore how to unhurry, rhythms of daily office and sabbath, and boundaries.
  • Life Together: a discussion & prayer time about last week’s sermon with Pastor Scott

    *to register:

Community Concern
Logos Adult English Classes: Will start in September on Thursday 10am-11:30am. For details, please contact Pastor Pricilla Lee at 905-305-6467 (x-228) or Helen Siu.

News from Finance

Offering Report for August 2021

1.Church Reopening 
Phase 2 of Church Reopening (in-person worship)begin today at 11 am.Everyone must register to attend in-person worship. Click hereto fill and submit a registration form. Please use one form for your family or your bubble.

Please remember on the Sunday fill in a COVID pre-screening before entering. Click here to do a COVID pre-screening.

Room Booking (in-person gathering)

Groups of 25 can meet in the church, and up to 100 outdoors. To book, click here to submit a room booking request. For more details, please contact the church office at 905-305-6467 or

2.Church Office Hours
Church office hours are Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm (Saturday closed). To contact our pastors or staff, please call 905-305-6467, press “0” and leave a voicemail, or email

3.Ways to Give
a.Interac e-Transfer — Brothers and sisters can give their offerings and tithes to the Church through Interac e-Transfers using the email address
b. Mail-in cheque offering
c. Cheque Offering Drop off to Church
d. On-line offering using

4.News of  Pastor
Rev. Tom Li will be on leave from Oct 2nd to 13th and will be back to the office on Thursday Oct 14th.