Logos Baptist Church (Milliken)

在疫情下增進親子關係 —— 家長如何預備子女重回實體學習 To promote parent-child relationship under the current pandemic and prepare children to transition back to in-person learning

幼稚園及Grade 1-6 家長

For parents with children in Kindergarten, Elementary and Grade 1-6

Date : 2021-08-13  Friday 8:30-10:00 pm (Toronto 多倫多時間)

Date : 2021-08-14  Saturday 8:30-10:00 am (Hong Kong 香港時間)

Grade 7-12 家長 

For parents with children in Junior High Grade 7-8 & Senior High Grade 9-12

Date : 2021-08-20  Friday 8:30-10:00 pm (Toronto 多倫多時間)

Date : 2021-08-21  Saturday 8:30-10:00 am (Hong Kong 香港時間)

* a zoom meeting ID will be sent out to you after registeration

點擊聯絡我們  Click to contact us

Tel: 905-305-6467
Fax: 905-305-6468
email: office@logosbaptist.com